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1998 Stavangar Norway Visit

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We left London for a quick trip to Stavanger, Norway. This was Val's first visit to Norway, and despite the cold, damp arrival, she enjoyed the visit . Ron suggested is was the neat, tidy Aryan nature of Stavanger, he may be right. The long hours of daylight did not disrupt the sleep pattern of Val, but then nothing does.
Ron had to work, but Val had time to take a walking tour of Stavanger which included stops at the Stavanger Museum; Ledaal (pictured above), which is a home built for ship owner & merchant Gabriel Schanche Kielland, converted for use as a royal residence, museum and special reception locale for Stavanger Council; Breidablikk, which is a villa built by the merchant and ship owner Lars Berentsen; and the Norwegian Canning Museum.
 The museums do not allow photos, but we have included a few the photos from their brochures.

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sardine lady.jpg (19096 bytes) The Stavanger Museum was Val's favorite stop. There is a wide range of displays including indigenous plants & animals as well as the history of Stavanger. The displays of everyday life through the years in Stavanger were done beautifully, with great attention to detail. There were even cats (via the taxidermist) included in the displays.

The  history of oil in Stavanger was included, but did not overshadow the other exhibits. The most interesting part of the oil & gas exhibit (Val's opinion) was the chronological listing of the various discoveries and the companies involved.

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