A Celebration of Life
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My friend Jimmy Hunter passed away on August 8, 2005.  His family asked me to put together a music video in his honor.  I've known Jimmy and his family since 1992 and felt privileged that they asked me to do this. 

Creating a video for something like this is hard to do.  Jimmy was only 37 when he died and the family had just had the loss of their father just two months earlier.  While I was sorting through the pictures his sister gave me trying to decide on what song to play, I  thought back on my memories of Jimmy and realized that if one were to characterize his life into a single phrase that phrase would be "a celebration of life".


The is 3 meg/sec Windows 9 format stereo movie and is 110 meg in size.  Click here to watch the memorial video for Jimmy

To view this video requires high speed internet and Microsoft Media Player version 9 or greater.  To get the current version of Windows Media player click here: Windows Media player downloads

(If you have a slow internet connection right click on the link
and choose 'save-as' to save to your local hard drive before viewing.)
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